2nd House

2nd House


The Second House in astrology is associated with speech, family relations, faith in sacred tradition, eyes, wealth (including gems, jewels, and metals), and death. It is also related to the sacred word "Om" or "Pranava," which has powerful mantric properties, connecting individuals with their eternal essence and allowing the flow of spiritual energy.

Speech and eyes are expressions of the life force originating from the Great Deep (Bythos), symbolizing the link between creative energy and creative action. Wealth indicated by this house often comes from past karma, including inheritance, property, and interest accruals, over which individuals have limited control. Family relations in this context refer to those connections one is born into, differentiating them from relationships with siblings, parents, spouses, etc., which are governed by other houses.

The Second House signifies creative potential rather than creative action, linking an individual's life with one aspect of their eternal self. It is noteworthy that this house encompasses both creative potentials like speech and the concept of death.

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