Anuradha extends from 213° 20' to 226° 40' (3° 20' to 16° 40' Scorpio). The asterism itself is governed by Saturn, but the sign in which it lies is ruled by Mars. Saturn and Mars do not have affinity with each other, they vibrate on different realms of existence. Naturally, there will be stress and strain produced by this asterism. The presiding deity is Mitra, a Vedic god expressing certain aspects of the Sun. A synonym for the nakshatra is Maitram, implying friendliness. friendliness. The symbol representing it is a lotus flower. The secondary attribute of the asterism is that of sattwa, harmony, but the primary and tertiary attributes are both tamas, inertia. Thus the basic impulse of Anuradha is guided by a righteousness producing harmony and good social relationship, but its outer expression will be grossly materialistic. Anuradha alms at friendliness, but its outward expression fails to reveal this inner motive of action.

Mitra is worshiped in the Vedas as a special power which brings men together. He is the god of friendship and cooperation among humankind. Under the benevolent influence of Mitra, earlier efforts succeed and hidden powers begin to open up. Mitra as the light of day heralds the dawn, and the beginning of new possibilities. The motivational urge of Anuradha over which Mitra dominates is that of dharma, which indicates that the new beginning should always be towards righteous efforts and spiritualizing one's life.

The astrological symbol for Anuradha is a lotus flower. There are several layers of meaning to the word padma or lotus, but all of them point to the regenerative quality latent in the individual. The lotus symbolizes the soul's thirst for union with the Source, even though it may fall once again into incarnation. There may be a spiritual urge but not complete redemption from bondage Under Anuradha. latent yogic powers begin to manifest and there is emotional purification. The aspirant craves union with the Master, though he may not unite with him quite yet.

Anuradha lies in the Martian zone of influence, being within the parameters of Scorpio, ruled by Mars. impulses flowing from this planet provide adequate and appropriate courage as well as the competence to uncover the latent powers or siddhis leading to attainment of the light of dawn, the real understanding of one's own nature. Courageous endurance in the service of Divine love may be considered the keynote of the asterism.

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