


Connect With the Wisdom 

Magenta is the color of your deepest inner knowing, inspiring truth, clarity, and faith. Magenta also awakens your enthusiasm for life, connecting you to the higher realm of spirituality and assisting you with your journey of self- discovery.

Meditate on Magenta to connect to your deeper wisdom.

Divine Wisdom

Divine Wisdom is always available to you. For the next seven days, before you go to sleep, ask a question of your Higher Self; this is a part of you that has incredible knowledge, wisdom, and compassion. After this, meditate on the color Magenta for a few minutes. Allow the answer to float into your mind. If you don't receive it the first time you try, persist.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Intelligence, please connect me to my Higher Self so I can receive the wisdom and guidance that can bring me to joy, love, and abundance."

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