


Advance Mental Clarity

Purple helps with eyesight, hearing, and bringing back a sense of smell; clears mental complexes, negativity, and inflammation; and aids with rheumatism, pain, and the healing of bones. Creating a connection between your mind, body, and soul, Purple also brings positiveness and success. Use Purple to clear your mind and let go of negativity.

Mental Clarity

Light a Purple-colored candle and focus your attention on it. Become aware of any negative thoughts or feelings you are experiencing, saying each aloud as you burn the candle. Imagine the negativity being consumed by the flame of the candle, then say the following statement: "Divine Intelligence, please delete this negative thought from my mind, body, and energy field."

Now focus on creating a positive state of mind. Say positive affirmations that can help you feel more inspired and peaceful in your life. 

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Spirit, please install thoughts and feelings of clarity, peace, and gratitude." 

Keep practicing this exercise until your mind is purified of all negativities.

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