Colour: Yellow-brownish 

Crystal systems: Trigonal

Chakra: Solar, Root

Gland: Adrenals

Body system: Reproductive 

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Lack of self - worth, motivation direction. Self criticism; mild depression; blocked creativity; internal conflicts; fear of commitment; timidity

Physical Indications for: Low physical energy; exhausted adrenals, diverticulitis, low libido.

Psychic Effects of: helps individuals to ground into the present, while opening up to spirituality, especially for earthy persons. It protects individuals from psychic attacks. 

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can place a tiger's eye on solar chakra for increasing energy, vitality, grounding and protection during a meditation or crystal layout.

2. Wearing a tiger’s eye will enhance positivity, vitality, creativity and. It enables the wearer to resolve internal conflict and change limiting behavioral patterns.

Placement in environment:

1. Placing tiger’s eye crystals in the south-east sector of home or work area tracts opportunities for abundance.

2. Tiger‘s eye tumbles can be placed with citrine in a cash box, with bank statements, lockers etc. to keep the flow of prosperity active.

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