Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter

Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) for Jupiter 

Yellow Sapphire is of the corundum class of minerals, Sapphire group. Yellow Sapphires are simply crystallized alumina (Al203). It is an extremely hard and durable Gemstone. Yellow Sapphires are light yellow. Sapphire is the most precious and valuable blue gemstone. It is a very desirable gemstone due to its excellent color, hardness, durability, and luster. In the gem trade, Sapphire without any color prefix refers to the blue variety of the mineral Corundum. However, the term Sapphire encompasses all other gem varieties and colors of Corundum as well, excluding Ruby, the red variety of Corundum, which has its own name, Ruby, since antiquity.

Usage: Yellow Sapphires has many healing powers and gives wealth, good health, fame, name, honour and success. Yellow Sapphire provides better financial status, timely marriage and improves vision, gives life security, protects ones from poverty, removes adversity, misfortune and melancholy and cures diarrhea, gastritis, ulcer, rheumatism, jaundice, insomnia, heart troubles, impotency, gout, arthritis and pain in knee joints. Yellow Sapphire is a Birthstone for Sagittarius and Pisces.

Occurrence: Yellow Sapphires are found in India (Jammu), Brazil, Sri Lanka, Russia, Thailand, Australia, U.S.A, U.K.,. Nepal, Mexico, Zambia and Nigeria. Sri Lanka is the world's steady producer of large, fine Yellow Sapphires. Kashmir is the home of the truly extraordinary Yellow Sapphire, Australia is currently the world's largest supplier of commercial Yellow Sapphires. 


It has the power to subside excess of vayu, pitta and kapha (the tridosa theory in ayurveda). Yellow sapphire has miraculous healing power. It cures rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthritis, gout, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism spondylitis, heat troubles, high blood pressure, stomach ailments, impotency, frigidity and sterility. Yellow sapphire is very useful in prevention of obstacles of childbirth.

Who should wear: 

Yellow sapphire can be worn by the persons born in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, if Jupiter is weak but well placed. Persons engaged in teaching, education, law, administration of justice, MPs, MLAs, judges, public leaders, gazette officials, vice chancellors, chairmen of public bodies, secretaries, legal luminaries, administrators, big financers and high priests may be benefited by wearing yellow sapphire.


Topaz or Citrine crystal is the substitute of yellow sapphire, but it should always be worn of double weight than yellow sapphire as indicated in one's birth chart. Yellow Akeek may also be used in its place.

How to wear: 

It is usually worn in the first finger of the right hand. Yellow sapphire must be worn in gold ring in the index finger on Thursday morning after purification. It can be worn in early morning when Punarvasu, Poorva Bhadrapada or Vishakha Nakshatras are operative and there is no Bhadra.


Blue color cuts the yellow color and vice versa. It means that the negative influence of Saturn can be nullified by wearing yellow sapphire and the adverse results of Jupiter can be counter balanced by blue sapphire. So if Jupiter is adversely placed and emits negative vibrations on the native, blue sapphire can be used whereas if Saturn is adverse yellow sapphire will be immense benefit. However, use yellow sapphire when Jupiter is weak or afflicted but well placed. Yellow sapphire will reduce the adversity caused by Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Venus. However, it cannot counteract the evil vibration of the Sun and Moon. Yellow sapphire can be worn along with Coral, pearl and ruby. It should not be worn with diamond and blue sapphire.

Unmarried girls who are facing obstacles in the finalization of marriage may wear Indian coral of 14 rattis of weight along with yellow sapphire of 7 rattis of weight, if they are not mangli and Jupiter is afflicted, weak retrograde of debilitated but that is not placed in trikas.

Physical & Chemical Property:

Chemical Formula: A1203

Colour: Yellow and Multicolored

Hardness: 9

Density: 3.98-4.02

Refractive Index: 1.76-1.77

Specific Gravity: 3.9-4.1 

Transparency: Transparent to opaque

Double Refraction: .0008

Luster: Vitreous to adamantine

Cleavage: None, but may exhibit parting

Mineral Class: Corundum

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