The Sign of the Diplomat

Symbol: The Scales

Ruler: Venus

Exaltation: Saturn

Debilitation: Sun

Baadhaka: Leo

Alphabets: Ra,Ree,Ru,Re,Ro,Ta,Tee,Tu,Te

Parts of the Body: It rules the kidneys, Lower back and the Buttocks.

Glyph/Picture: represents the scales which is in perfect equilibrium. this was the ancient Egyptian symbol of the setting sun, which was regarded as the doorway between the 2 worlds. In symbolic terms, the glyph is a Crescent moon connected to two straight lines resting above a third line. This represents emotions bounded on either side by reason, the line below symbolizes partnership.

Classification: Cardinal / Air / Movable / Odd / Positive / Masculine / Cruel / Of long Ascension / Rising by the Head.

Principal: Loving, Unifying “I BALANCE”

Opposite Sign: Aries - is the sign of ego personality, they tend to put themselves first and selfishness in one of their negative traits.

Qualities: Mirthful individuals appreciate modesty yet possess ambition. They have good taste, artistic flair, and a refined touch. Their appearance is youthful with a good complexion, but they may become plump in middle age. They exhibit keen perception, foresight, and a hopeful, cheerful, and humane nature, although they can be changeable. They enjoy staying in style, being up-to-date, and have a fondness for clothes and jewelry. Conjugal affection takes precedence over other considerations. In love, they may sacrifice for others or sacrifice others for their own comfort. They are adaptable to extreme changes, displaying resilience in the face of adversity, without fretting, and actively working to restore fortunes. Their soft tone is influenced by Venus and the exaltation of Saturn, making them the opposite of the harsh nature of Aries.

LIBRA (Tula) (180°00'-210°00')

Libra, the seventh zodiac sign, signifies a critical stage in egoic development. It holds the balance between spiritual ascent and material entanglement, ensuring the evolutionary purpose isn't thwarted. Kept secret for a long time, Libra's explosive possibilities demanded cautious handling. Its revelation was initially concealed, and only Virgo combined with Scorpio was disclosed.

Blavatsky suggested that Libra's real characteristics were not entirely revealed. It symbolizes the balance between divine and terrestrial impulses during cosmic and human transformation. Libra serves as a battlefield for egos striving to extricate their immortal spirit from material veils. Temptations of ephemeral relationships and sensations, intensified by developed intellect, create intense pain when divinity is extricated.

Operated by Venus, ruled by Kuvera, and spanning 180°00' to 210°00', Libra embodies mystic cross-currents. The Sun is debilitated, symbolizing the depth of solar descent and the need for arduous preparations to retrieve the inner spirit. Saturn's exaltation in Libra signifies the challenge of darkness suppressing inner voice and solar effulgence.

Astrologically, Libra's clues guide Yogic practices. Sun represents the higher Triad, while Saturn regulates physical manifestation. Venus, balancing subjective and objective aspects, signifies the essential task of achieving equilibrium for cosmic and human manifestation. Libra serves as the kingpin in the evolutionary scheme, ensuring the retrieval of subjective Truth on the objective plane.

Comprising Chittra, Swati, and three quarters of Vishakha, Libra's asterisms prepare egos for future courses under the rulership of Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter. Tvastra, Vayu, Indra, and Agni, the Vedic deities associated with these asterisms, shape egoic life, providing design, adaptability, illuminated mind, and the power of Seer-Will, all without disrupting universal equilibrium.