

About Libra: (Libra)

Libra, an Air sign, signifies mental processes, language, intellect, reason, human communication, and social relationships, playing a key role in generating ideas and driving actions.

Symbol :

Polarity : Positive

Mode : Cardinal

Element : Air

Ruling planet : Venus

Parts of the body : Kidneys

How to Identify Libra

Librans are like everyone else facially; two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. However, they hate to be rude, yet won't hesitate to straighten a crooked picture or silence a blaring TV. Librans love people but dislike large crowds, and though they mediate quarrels, they also enjoy a good argument. They are good-natured, pleasant, but can be sulky and resist taking orders. Intelligent yet naive, Librans are restless but seldom rush. There's an inconsistency to this Sun sign, causing puzzlement for both Librans and others.

Librans are not always perfectly balanced, despite being symbolized by the golden scales of justice. They swing between being annoying, quarrelsome, stubborn, restless, depressed, and confused. Librans are full of curves, with features that are pleasing and well-balanced. Venus dimples are common. The Libra face wears a pleasant expression, even when angry. Venus voices are sweet and clear, and the Libran smile is like a soft, white cloud.

Most Librans are attractive, with a purity of feature that sets them apart. They are usually full of curves, with curly hair. Librans are generally healthier than most but must avoid overindulgence. Their tendency for indecision is well-known; they argue every point and hate impatience. Librans are not eccentric show-offs; they are wholesome, well-balanced, and honest in business. They have an affinity for books, arts, and enjoy harmony in sounds, colors, and words.

To truly understand Libra, one must grasp the riddle of the scales. Librans seek to blend the cold of winter and the heat of summer into a perfect fall and spring, creating harmony between intellect and heart.

The Libra Man

A man ruled by logic and charm, the Libra man is full of free advice, offering solutions to your problems and answers to your questions. However, don't expect him to fulfill all your dreams. He can be as unpredictable as a crocodile with poison ivy, rationalizing everything, even love. Once ensnared in his charm, escaping is not easy. His reasoning and sweet demeanor make it challenging to resist.

Despite his indecisiveness, the Libra man is the embodiment of love and romance. He excels in the art of courtship, effortlessly winning hearts. Yet, making decisions, especially about commitment, can be a struggle for him. His interest in the opposite sex endures, and his romantic escapades may lead to complicated situations.

While he may appear interested, the Libra man tends to overlook personal details, focusing on abstract theories. His lack of awareness of your emotional needs can be frustrating. Despite his logical mind, he may miss the subtleties that matter to you.

Financially generous, the Libra man appreciates beauty and happiness but requires a harmonious home. Disorder and disharmony can drive him away. He may not communicate his discontent directly, so understanding his unspoken needs is crucial.

In parenting, the Libra father emphasizes fairness, exercising discipline with calm authority. His love for you remains a priority, with offspring coming second. Proposing to a Libra man is welcomed, but be cautious of his tendency to blame you for decisions he allowed you to make.

In the end, navigating a relationship with a Libra man requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to appreciate the unique qualities that make him both challenging and endearing.

The Libra Woman

The LIBRA Woman is a fascinating blend of femininity and male logic. She effortlessly navigates between the two, wearing the trousers of reason with grace. Her charming smile and gentle persuasion conceal a sharp mind that engages in debates with finesse. Though she may seem delicate, her mental processes operate with logic, often surpassing expectations.

In matters of decision-making, she meticulously weighs all sides, embodying fairness and impartiality. Her articulate nature shines in discussions, whether about calling cards or political matters. Despite her feminine charm, she is driven by a desire for financial stability, not just for herself but for the partnership she values deeply.

Marriage, to her, is a joint venture where teamwork and balance are paramount. She plays the role of a supportive chairman, ensuring her partner's success without overshadowing. Her intellectual prowess aids in solving business problems, and her charm makes her advice palatable.

Living with a Libra woman brings harmony to the home—meticulously decorated, well-coordinated, and filled with love. She balances toughness with tenderness, handling family matters with a composed strength. While she may indulge in occasional feminine delights, she remains a pillar of support in times of crisis.

As a mother, she instills respect for the father and strives to bring happiness to the family. Even if she occasionally succumbs to indulgences, her emotional scales always find balance with affection and understanding. She is the princess at the ball and the companion who can lace up boots to help saw logs, a true harmony of sweetness and strength.

The Libra Child

Parents of October infants often hear, "My, what a beautiful baby!" The little Libran, with sweet expressions and Venus features, is a charmer. Despite occasional indecision, such as picking socks, he's not stubborn but cautious. Rushing him creates confusion. He dislikes discord, loudness, and disarray, needing a peaceful environment.

Libra children value fairness and truth. They'll argue for balance, requiring both sides of an issue. Discipline isn't their primary need; less coddling is. They are logical, curious, and good students who dislike gossip. Encourage their artistic or musical talents.

Libra kids are naturally neat, preferring cleanliness and order. Teenagers may be romantically inclined, experiencing puppy love. Despite occasional challenges, guiding them through harmony and balance will result in a peaceful, argumentative family.

The Libra Boss

The Libra executive is fair and charming, driven by a desire to unite people and ideas. Often part of a partnership, he balances charm and intellect, seeking harmony in decision-making. Despite occasional indecision, he approaches tasks with graceful ease. A skilled communicator, he values fairness and gathers various opinions to make just decisions.

The Libra boss, male or female, strives for harmony in the workplace. They may take a democratic approach, seeking input from various sources. The female Libra boss is likely to be undeniably pretty, maintaining a poised and well-dressed appearance. She is disciplined, somewhat harsher in handling mistakes, and values confidentiality.

Both male and female Libra bosses appreciate pleasant lunch hours and periodic rest. They may lean toward extremes in generosity or stinginess with money. Invitations to their homes are likely, where they'll be gracious hosts. Despite occasional indecisiveness, their charm, respect for intelligence, and willingness to meet halfway make them well-balanced leaders deserving of cooperation.

The Libra Employee

Libra employees thrive in harmonious environments. They may be sensitive to their surroundings, so a distracting or unpleasant atmosphere can affect their productivity. Clear communication, logical reasons for tasks, and respect for their intelligence contribute to their success. Libra workers excel in mediating disputes and promoting a peaceful work environment. They may display occasional mood swings, but their basic nature is fair and sane. Encourage their artistic and diplomatic talents, and they'll contribute positively to the workplace.

The Libra Romance

Libra individuals approach romance with grace and charm, seeking harmony in relationships. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, they are naturally romantic and appreciate beauty in their partners. They may take time to make decisions in love but will strive for balance and fairness. Libras are skilled communicators, often expressing their feelings with eloquence. They seek companionship and are drawn to those who share their interests. While their indecisiveness may surface, their genuine and warm nature makes them delightful partners in the dance of love.