

No need for alarm: Death doesn't signify physical death. Instead, it represents transition, transformation, rebirth, and lasting change. This powerful force clears away the old to make room for the new. The change brought by Death is irreversible, like a door slamming shut behind you forever. It is astrologically connected to Scorpio and the eighth house, symbolizing death and rebirth.

Comparable to the Tower, this card indicates the necessity for change. If you resist change voluntarily, circumstances will intervene and compel you to adapt. Similar to the phoenix, you will rise anew from the ashes of your former life.


Are you apprehensive about the future? Do you find yourself clinging to old situations at any cost? If so, expect a complete reversal. Surface-level changes won't suffice; the old situation must be completely transformed. The profound changes you go through may feel overwhelming, pushing you almost to the brink of despair. Then, quite unexpectedly, your situation improves, and you can breathe freely again.

Tarot FAQs

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The frequency of Tarot readings is a personal choice. Some people seek readings regularly, while others only on special occasions or when facing important decisions.

Tarot cards are interpreted by a reader to provide guidance, insight, or reflection on various aspects of life. The cards are believed to tap into the reader's intuition and the energy surrounding the person seeking a reading.

Each card in the Tarot deck has a unique meaning and symbolism. The cards are divided into major and minor arcana, each representing different aspects of life and human experience.

Yes, Tarot can provide insights into relationships by examining the dynamics, emotions, and potential outcomes. However, it is not a substitute for professional relationship advice.