Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

This queen embodies the spirit of Pallas Athena, the formidable warrior queen. She presents a unique blend of qualities, combining her readiness for battle with feminine grace and creative intelligence.

Often, this queen stands alone, possibly due to widowhood or divorce, and she may not have children. She typically leads an independent career, guided by her own ideas and values. She's frequently seen as a sister-consort rather than a traditional wife, particularly when paired with the King of Swords. Her astrological element is air, aligning with Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini.


You possess the skill to cut through distractions and focus on the core issues. You tend to be outspoken, and your words can be sharp. While you generally act with fairness and justice, there's a potential for vindictiveness. Your inherent ability to detect secrecy in others makes you quite perceptive. Life may not always come easy; you might find yourself defending your position and fighting for what's rightfully yours.

Tarot FAQs

All you need to know about Guna Milan

The frequency of Tarot readings is a personal choice. Some people seek readings regularly, while others only on special occasions or when facing important decisions.

Tarot cards are interpreted by a reader to provide guidance, insight, or reflection on various aspects of life. The cards are believed to tap into the reader's intuition and the energy surrounding the person seeking a reading.

Each card in the Tarot deck has a unique meaning and symbolism. The cards are divided into major and minor arcana, each representing different aspects of life and human experience.

Yes, Tarot can provide insights into relationships by examining the dynamics, emotions, and potential outcomes. However, it is not a substitute for professional relationship advice.