Vastu Shastra


Vastu Shastra, often simply referred to as Vastu, is an ancient Indian architectural and design system that provides guidelines for creating harmonious and balanced living and working spaces. The term "Vastu" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Vas," which means dwelling or habitat. Vastu Shastra is based on the idea that the design and layout of a space can significantly influence the well-being, prosperity, and happiness of its occupants.

Here are key aspects of Vastu Shastra in detail:

Elements of Vastu:

Panchabhutas (Five Elements): Vastu is intricately connected with the concept of the five elements—Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Space (also known as Ether). These elements represent fundamental cosmic energies. The balance and harmonious integration of these elements within a space are believed to contribute to a positive and prosperous living environment.

Vastu Purusha Mandala:

Concept and Symbolism: The Vastu Purusha Mandala is a metaphysical diagram representing the cosmic energy grid. It depicts the cosmic man or deity known as Vastu Purusha lying on the ground with his head in the northeast and feet in the southwest. The various directions and sectors of the mandala correspond to different deities, energies, and aspects of life. The Vastu Purusha is considered the protector of the site and its occupants.

Directions and Zones:

Cardinal Directions: Vastu places significant importance on cardinal directions—north, south, east, west—as well as the intermediate directions (northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest). Each direction is associated with a specific deity, element, and aspect of life.

Zones and Associations: For instance, the northeast is associated with water and prosperity, suggesting it as an auspicious direction for the placement of water features. The southeast is linked to fire and wealth, making it suitable for the location of the kitchen or financial

Vastu Guidelines for Building Design:

Architectural Alignment: Vastu provides guidelines for the design and layout of various structures. It emphasizes the importance of aligning the building with the cardinal directions to allow for the free flow of cosmic energies. The placement of rooms, doors, windows, and other architectural elements is carefully considered to harness positive energy.

Functionality: Vastu takes into account the functionality of different spaces within a building, ensuring that each area serves its purpose harmoniously. For example, the placement of the kitchen or bedroom follows specific guidelines to enhance the well-being of the occupants.

Five Vastu Elements in Construction:

Material Selection: The construction of a building involves selecting materials, colors, and shapes in accordance with the five elements. Earthy tones, for instance, may be recommended for stability and grounding, while airy and spacious designs align with the element of air.

Vastu Remedies: Balancing Negative Energies: Vastu Shastra acknowledges the presence of negative energies or imbalances within a space. Remedies may involve the use of specific colors, symbols, or the placement of certain objects to counteract negative influences. These remedies aim to restore equilibrium and promote positive energies within the living or working environment.

Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui

Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui are ancient practices rooted in traditional wisdom that focus on creating harmonious living spaces by aligning them with the natural elements and energies. While Vastu Shastra originated in India and is primarily associated with Hindu architecture, Feng Shui has its roots in ancient China. Despite their cultural differences, both systems share a common goal – to enhance the well-being, prosperity, and overall balance of individuals in their living environments.

Vastu tips and remedies

Vastu Shastra FAQs

All you need to know about Guna Milan

The main purpose of Vastu Shastra is to create and attract positive energy. This energy helps us to do better in our work and life. People who live or work at Vastu biddable place are said to be healthier and happier lifestyle.

According to Vastu for office and entrepreneur should sit facing to the North, east or north-east direction which is considered to be the auspicious.

If you wish for financial growth in your life? know about the best direction to place your lockers or safes.