Colour: Lavender to deep purple.

Crystal system: Trigonal

Mob’s Hardness: 7

Chakra: Crown, third eye, throat

Gland: Pineal

Body Systems: Nervous, immune, endocrine 

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Addictions, Anxiety, Nervousness, Grief, Excessive Anger, Fear. Nightmares. Lack of mental or emotional balance and stability.  Over thinking and lack of clarity.

Physical Indications for: Headaches, Insomnia especially if caused by over-thinking or stress. Hot flushes during menopause. Lowered immune functions. Inflammations of skin.

Psychic Effects of: It has a cleansing effect on the electro-magnetic body field. It helps clear energy blockages from chakras. It enhances spiritual awareness and assists in spiritual growth. It facilitates opening of psychic vision.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can place amethyst on your forehead to soothe headaches or draw away tension.

2. You can also use a medical paper tape to stick a flat crystal to the site of pain on your body.

3. Place amethyst under your pillow for nightmares or to help with insomnia.

4. Wearing an amethyst on the body will cleanse and balance the auric field and all chakras.

5. Amethyst water can be taken internally to balance blood pressure; to reduce inflammations; for positive effects on immune, nervous and endocrine systems. It also helps with calming the mind. 

Placement in environment:

1. Keeping an amethyst cluster or a bowl of tumbled stones can help transmute negative energies of any area.

2. Placing amethyst near a source of harmful radiation can block the radiation from affecting the human body. You would have to use an appropriately sized cluster; program it and clear it frequently when used for above purpose.

3. Amethyst geodes are a powerhouse of strong energies which will benefit the healing area. An amethyst cluster will also enhance the energies of healing spaces.

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