Colour: Black

Crystal system: Trigonal

Moh’s Hardness: 6 ½

Chakra: Root (major) and feet (minor)

Gland: Adrenals

Body Systems: Skeletal, immune

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Negative attitude; emotionally vulnerable; unpractical; ungrounded. 

Physical Indications for: Lethargy; low energy levels; arthritis; l column issues; overworked adrenals; pain.

Psychic Effects of: It helps clear psychic attack; psychic hooks and negative energies of auric fields. It helps ground the energies and Prevent draining of one’s own energies during healing work.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can place black tourmaline on the spinal column during healing to help with alignment.

2. You can tape a black tourmaline on the site of pain for pain relief (after programming it to absorb the pain).

3. Wearing a black tourmaline will keep the aura clear from all kinds of negative energies.

4. For an instant grounding effect hold a black tourmaline in your hands or place your feet on it for a few minutes.

Placement in environment:

1. Place a black tourmaline between the client and yourself while doing healing work, if you take on others' energies. Keep it sideways, without pointing towards either your client or yourself.

2. Place an energy grid of 4 -8 double terminated black tourmaline wand to keep your healing room free of all negative energies. Place them in four corners or eight directions (north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, and south-west) of the room. 

3. Place an energy grid of four black tourmaline wands around the bed or the room of a sick person to clear the negative energies from their space and help recovery.

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