Astrology past and present

Many people today view astrology as archaic and irrelevant, belonging to a bygone era. Yet the practice of astrology has persisted and, indeed, has found new relevance in the 20th and 21st centuries. In the heart of the scientific age, there is perhaps more than ever a need for an alternative view that addresses our human desire for meaning and spiritual connection.
The kind of astrology practiced today, based on the concept of the birth chart or “horoscope,” has its roots in the ancient world of Babylon and Greece.
To the Babylonians, we can credit the invention of the zodiac and the practice of attributing meaning to the movements of the planets as conveyors of divine will. These ideas were subsequently taken up by the Greeks after the conquests of Alexander in the 4th century BCE and, shaped by Greek cosmology and beliefs, they eventually gave rise to the horoscope we are familiar with today.

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