


Build-up Your Body

Bronze inspires strength, wisdom, and love, helping you to get promotions, bringing wealth into your life, and attracting the right people into your business. Bronze also aids in successful negotiations, teaching people to trust their instincts. Use Bronze to break destructive emotional patterns, release irrational fears and anxieties, and flush toxic thoughts and feelings out of your body.

Allow the Bronze ray to build-up strength and vitality back to your body.

Build-up Yourself

Focus on any part of your body that needs to be strengthened and place your hands on this part of your body. Breathe into it and visualize a Bronze thread coiling around that part of your body, stitching it together and strengthening it.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Spirit, surround me with the Bronze ray of light which will heal, strengthen or build-up, and rejuvenate my body. Thank you."

Then imagine a Bronze ray of light bathing the system of your body that relates to the body part you are working on, until it looks clear, clean, and vibrant. Picture that part of your body being strong and healthy.

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