Cat's Eyes for Ketu

Cat's Eyes for Ketu

Cat's Eyes (Lehsunia) for Ketu

Cat's Eye displays a band of light at the top going across the width of the stone which moves when it is tilted. This effect, known as Chrysoberyl , or cat's eye effect, is caused by inclusions of fine, slender parallel mineral fibers in the gemstone that reflect light in a single band The Mineral is chemically known as Chrysoberyl (BeO.A1203). The bonding is tombic. It is a fairly hard and brittle. Cat's Eye reflects a distinct band of light across its face which sweeps from side to side or a line downward in the center of the stone when viewed in direct light. Cat's Eye is useful for eradicating evil influences of Ketu and diseases given by Mars. This is normally milky in color. The gem is very hot in nature. Of all the gemstones that exhibit cat's eye, Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is the best known. Chrysoberyl has the strongest and most distinct cat's eye effect of all gemstones. Though several different gemstone types exhibit a cat's eye effect, only Chrysoberyl- cat's eye enjoys the privilege of having the name "Cat's Eye" without any prefix. Whenever the term "Cat's Eye" is used, it refers to Chrysoberyl cat's eye by default, unless otherwise specified. 

Usage: Cat's Eye stimulates awareness and intuition. It increases physical strength, radiance, stamina, happiness, wealth and progeny. Protects against witchcraft and death.

Occurrence: Cat's Eye is found in India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Brazil, China, South Africa, Russia, and U.S.A.

Cat's-Eye protects against all diseases of the chest and throat, cures asthma, soothes the and fortunes never diminish. For businessmen, it is a miraculous result giving stone. This protects from hidden enemies and mysterious dangers. It bestows wealth in horse racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculations. If it does not suit, it gives immediate signals like uneasiness, restlessness. It may prevent unexpected mishaps of life, curing mania, paralysis. It protects from accidents, secret enemies and drowning, intoxication, and Government punishment. It brings fortunes to those who gamble. 


This gem has magical power in healing Vayu, Pitta and Kapha. Ketu sometimes give mysterious diseases, which baffle the skill of the medical profession. Cat's eye cures mania, uterine diseases, aches, skin disease, tumour, paralysis, epilepsy, rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis, cancer, spondylitis etc.

Who should wear: 

If Ketu joins 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th house, Cat's eye will be useful. If Ketu posited in 4th house, particularly in Cancer, especially with the Sun, the native is bound to suffer from heart problem. In such cases where Ketu is tenanted in 4th house one should be advised to wear Cat's eye of good quality.

How to wear: 

It should be worn in middle finger of either hand in gold ring. Cat’s eye  should be worn on Thursday. 

Physical & Chemical Property:

Chemical Formula: BeAl204 

Colour: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Multicolored 

Hardness: 8.5

Refractive Index: 1.744-1.755 

Specific Gravity: 3.5-3.8

Crystal System: Orthorhombic 

Transparency: Translucent 

Double Refraction: .009

Luster: Vitreous

Cleavage: 1, 1; 3, 2 

Mineral Class: Chrysoberyl

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