

Liberate Yourself from Pain

Red contains unlimited energy, vitality, and power, and draws money and prosperity into your life. It is a powerful agent for healing blood disorders, improving circulation, healing diseases, drying up sores or wounds, warming cold areas of your body, and reducing pain. And because Red releases adrenaline to stimulate mental and physical energy. Red can relieve depression.

Use a Red sword of light to heal on all levels.

Reduce your pain

Imagine you have a Red sword of light. At the tip of the sword, there is a Red star, which has incredible healing power. When the star touches anything sick, it dissolves the sickness right out of your body. Visualize touching the parts of your body that need healing with the Red sword.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Intelligence, move your healing light through my mind and body so I can return to a state of vibrant health."

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