


Live a Special Life

Cherry raises your self-esteem and brings sweetness, happiness, and wisdom into your life. It can open your heart and allow you to listen to your heart's desires. A deep, full color, Cherry encourages you to live your life to the max, acting as a magnet that attracts incredible people, opportunities, and abundance into your life.

Eat some cherries and transform yourself from ordinary to extraordinary.

Be Special

To be alive is amazing; to live life to the max is extraordinary.

Today, buy some cherries, taste their sweetness, and make a list of ten extraordinary things you would like to do in the next year. Make a commitment to living a special life. After all, what is the worst thing that can happen if you give things a go? You can say you might fail. But if you have not tried, then you have already failed. The truth is that if you follow your dreams, you can only succeed; when you take a chance, you learn, grow, and expand. Give yourself permission to explore and go on an incredible adventure. Today is the day to start.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Intelligence, please give me the courage to become special and to make my dreams and desires a reality."

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