Colour: Yellow to orange to brown

Crystal system: Trigonal

Moh’s Hardness: 7

Chakra: Solar, (yellow) Sacral (orange-brown)

Gland: Pancreas

Body systems: Digestive

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Low self-confidence; low self; lack of motivation; lack of abundance; discouraged attitude; responsibility and Fear of moving forward.

Physical Indications for: Weak digestion and digestive disorders; energy levels; chronic fatigue.

Psychic Effects of: some people can feel dizziness, headache, and little detachment from the body.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. It can boost confidence. Citrine is the best crystal for energizing your dreams, goals and your willpower.

2. It can heal the solar plexus (Chakra).

3. This crystal attracts abundance and happiness.

Placement in environment:

1. You can place this in your office.

2. You can place this in the Money cash box in the account department.

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