

Raise Your Confidence

Cyan strengthens your confidence and belief in yourself, balancing the systems of your body and giving you clarity in times when you need to make choices. It also helps release stress to attain peace and relaxation and can be very helpful in fine-tuning your communication abilities. Raise your confidence with the help of a Cyan circle.

Raising Confidence

Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in. As you breathe out, allow yourself to completely let go of all the stress and tension in your body. Take in another slow breath and visualize a deep Cyan color filling your whole body. Then, as you breathe out, relax.

Imagine a big Cyan circle in front of you, focusing on the different qualities that make a person feel confident. They might be things like knowing what you are doing, feeling good about yourself, feeling happy, getting what you want, and so on.

Place all these qualities into the Cyan circle, and then visualize stepping into the circle yourself. Breathe in all of those qualities, allowing yourself to become more confident and empowered. 

When you feel completely confident, clap your hands three times.

AFFIRMATION: "I now embrace my confidence, happiness, and clarity;" and walk out of the circle.

From now on, every time you need an extra boost, clap your hands together three times and breathe in confidence from your Cyan circle.

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