Colour: Gray with iridescent flashes

Crystal system: Triclinic 

Moh’s Hardness: 6-6 1/2 

Chakra: Third eye, throat

Gland: Thyroid, thymus

Body systems: Endocrine, immune

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Lack of enthusiasm, imagination, creativity; confusion; stress; fear; insecurity; lack of thinking.

Physical Indications for: Gout; rheumatism; high blood pressure; PMS; hormonal imbalances; thyroid imbalance.

Psychic Effects of: Clears illusions, brings esoteric knowledge. It is jI during times of transformation as it raises consciousness while grounding energies. It stimulates psychic senses while keeping free of any psychic energy hooks.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can place Labradorite on third eye chakra to enhance intuition psychic senses.

2. Meditation or crystal layout with Labradorite on throat chakra will clearly balance it.

3. Wearing a Labradorite will prevent energy drainage from aura. It ices psychic senses while clearing negative thought forms.

4. Wearing a Labradorite around the neck helps with high blood pressure and thyroid imbalance

Placement in environment:

Placing a large chunk of Labradorite in a meditation or healing room enhances the energies in the area.

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