Strengthening the Interiors

Strengthening the Interiors

Strengthening the Interiors:

Keep the following points in mind while planning the interior of an individual apartment.

1. Main entrance should be warm and welcoming. 

2. Keep the clutter to a minimum. Avoid crowding rooms with too much of furniture and artefact. The apartments should appear cheerful, extensive and aesthetic.

3. The front door should open inwards. Have a threshold, especially for the main entrance. 

4. If the front door opens into a small lobby area use mirrors on one side to visually double the size of the lobby. 

5. If the front door is directly facing a toilet, keep the door of the toilet closed at all times and hang a mirror outside the door of the toilet to symbolically make it disappear.

6. Allow plenty of light and air into all rooms, even the ones not used regularly. 

7. Do not sit, sleep or work under overhead beams.

8. Arrange the furniture in such a way that the north and east as well as the brahmasthana of the rooms are kept light and free. Have heavy furniture in the south, west and south-west of the rooms. Lighter furniture can be kept in the north and east of each room.

9. Keep beds in the south-west sector of the bedrooms. Keep head towards south.

10. Study tables should be placed in a way that children are facing north and east while studying. 

11. Have lofts and attics in the south and west side of the rooms. 

12. Cupboards containing cash, jewellery, cheque books and valuables should be kept in south so that they open towards north. 

13. Paintings representing negative aspects of life like violence, terror, cruelty, poverty, death, crying women should be avoided in the house. 

14. The lack of space generally makes it impossible to have a separate puja room in a flat. In case of a big apartment, separate puja room can be made in the north-east. Avoid puja room in bedrooms and living room. A north-east corner in the study room, kitchen or dining room can be selected for this purpose.

15. Flowers and plants stimulate positive energy in a house. Potted plants and freshly cut flowers are best for people in apartments. Artificial flowers can also be used but make sure that they are clean and well dusted.

16. Aquariums and small indoor fountains can be used in the north-east or north of the apartment, as they represent wealth and abundance.

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