A "marriage of convenience" refers to a type of marital arrangement where a man and a woman enter into a marriage primarily for practical or strategic reasons rather than for love or emotional connection. In this modern era, characterized by speed and convenience in various aspects of life, such marriages have become more prevalent.

Key points about marriage of convenience:

Jet-Age Speed: In today's fast-paced world, people often seek quick solutions to their life choices, including marriage. Marriage of convenience is a product of this fast-paced lifestyle, where individuals may choose to marry without a deep emotional commitment, often for practical considerations.

Temporary Nature: A defining feature of such marriages is their temporary and contractual nature. While the couple may live together as husband and wife, the arrangement typically includes provisions allowing either partner to end the marriage at their discretion.

Not a New Trend: While it might seem like a contemporary trend, marriage of convenience is not a new concept. It has existed in many communities and tribes in India for generations. However, it is gaining more visibility and acceptance in certain segments of society.

Variation Across Communities: The acceptance of marriage of convenience can vary across different communities and social groups. It is more common in some communities while less prevalent in others. In traditional societies, such arrangements may be more acceptable among certain groups like Brahmins, Rajputs, or traders.

Historical Precedents: Throughout history and across cultures, there have been instances of extramarital relationships, where a person has a "mistress" or "paramour" in addition to their spouse. These relationships often serve practical or personal needs, without the formal commitment of marriage.

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