


Gasp a Breath of Life

Peach releases stress and tension from your body, softening all hardness and dissolving any density, especially in the lungs and chest. It also brings gentleness, kindness, and friendliness into your life, opening you to new possibilities and assisting you to attract prosperity.

Allow Peach-colored sparks to cleanse away any trouble and rejuvenate your lungs.

Breath of Life

Rub your hands together, then move them slightly apart. Focus on the tingling energy that is moving through your hands, imagining sparks of Peach coming out of them. 

Place your hands on your chest and allow these Peach colored sparks to penetrate your chest and lungs, arouse any stuck energy and releasing stagnation. After a few minutes, hold your right hand above your chest, moving it around in a clockwise direction. Do this for two minutes while focusing on taking slow, deep breaths. 

As you breathe out, allow all the tension in your lungs and throat to release. When you breathe in, visualize vibrant, healing Peach rays regenerating your lungs.

Now focus on what you love in your life already and what you would love to experience more of. Visualize receiving this increase of joy in your life.

AFFIRMATION: "I am now able to fully embrace all the wonderful experiences my life has to offer with joy, ease, and love."

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