The Sun - Number 1

Lord of the east and of the day has rule over the zodiac house of Leo and 1-4 as his duel numbers.

1 (given to the Sun) is male/positive/ material plane. 

4 (given to Uranus/Rahu) is female/negative/mental plane.

The Sun is exalted at 19 degrees in the zodiac sign of Aries.

The Moon - Number 2

Lady of the night has rule over the emotional house of Cancer and 2-7 as her duel numbers. 

2 (given to the Moon) is negative/female/imaginative.

7 (given to Neptune/Ketu) is positive/male/ physical.

The Moon is exalted at 3 degrees in the zodiac sign of Taurus.

Jupiter - Number 3

The teacher of the Gods rules over the zodiac houses.

Sagittarius: positive/male/ philosopher/traveller.

Pisces: negative/female/passive/Occultish/reclusive/ mystical.

Jupiter is exalted at 5 degrees in the zodiac sign of Cancer.

Mercury - Number 5

Quick silver rules over the zodiac houses.

Gemini: positive/male/day/intellectual/creative.

Virgo: negative/female/night/practical healer/hard worker.

Mercury is exalted at 15 degrees in the zodiac sign of Virgo.

Venus - Number 6

The teacher of the demons/love rules over the zodiac houses.

Taurus: positive/male/sensual/luxury/loving/material/independent.

Libra: negative/female/sentimental/philanthropic/needs a partner and love.

Venus is exalted at 27 degrees in the zodiac sign of Pisces.

Saturn - Number 8

The Grim Reaper... the Lord of Karma rules over the zodiac houses. 

Capricorn: positive/male/material/ambitious.

Aquarius: negative/female/devoted to creation of intellectual order. 

Saturn is exalted at 20 degrees in the zodiac sign of Libra.

Mars - Number 9

The warrior rules over the zodiac houses.

Aries: positive/male/direct/aggressive/assertive.

Scorpio: negative/female/secretive/intense/mental. 

Mars is exalted at 28 degrees in the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

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