Colour: Red with violet tint 

Crystal system: Cubic

Moh’s Hardness: 6-7

Chakra: Root, Kundalini energy 

Gland: Adrenals, Pituitary 

Body systems: Reproductive, circulatory

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Self-sabotage; Behaviour patterns creating blockages; emotional disharmony.

Physical Indication for: Lack of absorption of vitamins and minerals ad; poor circulation of blood; cellular damage.

Psychic Effects of: Cleanses and energizes aura energy. It helps with the rising of kundalini energies. It creates a clear path joining the root to crown chakras. It is very useful in times of hopelessness and trauma: as it brings hope and courage to the situation.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can do a healing with garnet to release blocked or trapped energies from root chakra.

2. Meditation with garnet will clear a pathway from root to crown aura.

3. Wearing a garnet will enhance positivity, vitality, DNA repair and improve blood circulation. It brings hope and encouragement during h times. It also balances hormones and enhances fertility. 

4. A face massage with garnet tightens the skin and firms the muscles and increases blood supply to the face; resulting in a glowing, youthful skin.

Placement in environment:

1. You can place this by standing in the doorway of your bedroom area while looking in.

2. As garnets represent love, luck and prosperity you can place this crystal on your office desk too.

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