

Defeat Your Challenges

Plum is a color of devotion, dedication, and commitment that connects you to your heart and life purpose. Creating deep bonds in friendships and relationships, it also assists you to stay strong through hardships and difficult situations. Plum is a color of deep inner strength and faith.

Use Plum rays to defeat challenges and discover your life purpose.

Defeating Challenges

If you are facing something difficult, make sure you surround yourself with Plum. Wear Plum clothes, shoes, or jewelry; eat Plums; paint with this color; or visualize a ray of Plum to soothe your heart and soul. Find the gift in this defeating experience, and allow its insights to come into your mind.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Spirit, please use the Plum ray to guide me through any challenges I may experience with ease, grace, and softness."

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