Extending over 40° 00' to 53° 20' of the zodiac (10° 00' to 23° 20' Taurus), Rohini is praised as one of the most auspicious of asterisms. Various synonyms for the asterism are Vidih, meaning a sacred command, Viranchi, referring to Brahma, the god of creation, and Sakat, which means a chariot or carriage. The chariot serves as a symbol for this asterism. Rohini is an incubator of creative potential. It has the quality of the Great Deep (Bythos), where every seed, every idea is preserved and nourished until the right time for its birth and fruition. Rohini leads to worldly pleasures, attachments and infatuation, to the world of sensual illusion. Everything experienced under this impulse has a quality of newness, a sense of childlike delight and the desire to experience more and more of the same.

The Moon has a special relationship with this asterism. In a state of mystical ecstasy, Rohini can guide the individual to an overpowering experience of the Divine or a sense of dedication to some spiritual mission. It leads the individual into some kind of symbiotic relationship with those in whose company one may receive some sort of transcendental experience.

Rohini can also produce deep involvement in sexual relationships which transcend traditional and social boundaries, but these would generally be induced by strong impulses of attachment and a state of intoxication.

The lordship of the asterism is assigned to the Moon and its four quarters to Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, but these all operate within Taurus, which is governed by Venus. All these characteristics of the nakshatra bestow upon it a quality of earthiness. This also explains the asterism being attributed to the caste of Sudras, the base of the four divisions on which social existence depends.

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