Colour: Indigo blue

Crystal system: Cubic

Moh’s Hardness: 5 ‘/2-6

Chakra: Third eye, throat

Gland: Thyroid, pituitary, thymus

Body systems: Metabolism, immune, lymphatic

Emotional/Mental Indications for: Defensiveness; oversensitivity; guilt; phobias; mental blockages and clutter; rigid attitude.

Physical Indications for: Sluggish metabolism; throat disorders; thyroid imbalances; radiation exposure; high blood pressure, helps with inflammations and fevers.

Psychic Effects of: Sodalite helps focus the mind during meditation by calming it and opening it to receive the new information. It unites intellect with intuition bringing to conscious awareness the higher knowledge received during meditation. It helps those that seek higher truth, to find it.

Practical Applications for Healing:

1. You can place Sodalite on the third eye during meditation or crystal layout to heighten awareness.

2. You can tape a flat crystal of Sodalite to the forehead to reduce stress and calm the mind.

3. Placing a Sodalite under your pillow will help calm the mind and ensure peaceful sleep.

4. Sodalite water taken internally helps with balancing body fluids and excessive thirst. It is effective in case of dry skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Sodalite water will also help regulate high blood pressure; cool fever and reduce inflammations. Gargling with Sodalite water will help sore throats and hoarse voice.

Placement in environment:

It is helpful to place a large chunk of Sodalite in spaces where many people work together to bring in harmony and understanding within the group.

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