


Be Unconstrained & Have Fun

Tangerine is a color of vibrancy, creativity, zest for life, and vitality. It has the capacity to awaken your sexual and creative energies and symbolizes warmth, richness, courage, and unconstrained. Inner knowing, action, confidence, and determination are the properties of Tangerine. Activate Tangerine energy and unleash your wild self.


Experiment with Tangerine to awaken your creative juices. What have you always wanted to do but never had the courage to do? Before doubt sets in, let go of control and give yourself permission to do something wild and unconstrained/spontaneous. Allow your inner child to come out to play. 

Rub your hands together for a minute, then place them slightly apart. Visualize Tangerine rays of light shining out of your hands as you place them above your solar plexus, heart, and head for one minute each, allowing the Tangerine ray to activate your fun, growth, adventurous self. Start living an extraordinary life today.

AFFIRMATION: "Infinite Intelligence now awakens my creative, unconstrain, adventurous self. I am ready to allow fun and laughter into my life."

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