Vishakha extends from 200° 00' to 213° 20' (20° 00' Libra to 3° 20' Scorpio). The three quarters of the asterism assigned to Mars, Venus, and Mercury lie within the zodiacal zone of Libra, but the last quarter, under the Moon, is in Scorpio, giving a dualistic character the asterism. The potter's wheel as a symbol of the nakshatra represents the great turmoil and whirlwind produced by this influence. The symbolism emphatically points to transformation.

Tamas, sattwa, and rajas operate at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, indicating the wide range of expression of this nakshatra. There is no quality in the universe which is beyond its reach. The dual rulership assigned to Indra and Agni is also suggestive. The three quarters of Vishakha within Libra provide affluence, comfort, and the pleasant experiences of life, which all come under the domain of Indra, the king of the gods and ruler of heaven. The last quarter of the asterism, falling in Scorpio, is full of the trials and tribulations which are essential for every kind of transformation; these experiences are guided by Agni, the god of fire.

Unique features of the asterism are non-attraction, a special type of dissatisfaction with the existing conditions of life, restlessness, and a great psychological turmoil raging within. Such an impulse often leads to infidelity in married life, non-fulfillment of promises in personal relationships, and minimizing the contribution of old Non-attraction to the existing conditions of life is not necessarily repulsion. Infidelity does not arise due to the fault of the partner, and letting down one's friends does not arise due to their lack of warmth. Instead, these reactions are produced by a feeling of emptiness at the core of one's being, expressed outwardly as restlessness.

The primary impulse of Vishakha can be described as psychism. For the spiritual person trying to lead himself to the higher goals of life, this asterism can impart the quality of tapas, the purificatory austerities, but for those engrossed in the material aspects of life, it leads to the experience of various restrictions. Whatever its outer expression, Vishakha imparts a sense of righteousness.

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