


Have Some Fun with Your Inner Child

Watermelon is a color of softness, gentleness, and compassion that encourages affection, self-acceptance, and kindness. Its spirit of fun and easy access to your inner child assists people who suffer from low self-esteem, loneliness, and sadness. Watermelon also encourages generosity, healing, and understanding.

Allow Watermelon rays to awaken your joyful and playful nature.

Get Your Inner Child

It's time to nourish and nurture your inner child. What exciting things can you do today that will make you laugh and enjoy yourself? Your inner child needs to have fun and play to feel healthy.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a small child. Ask this small child, "What would be fun for you to do today?" The child may say, "I want to go out and throw a ball in the park." He or she may want to play a game, eat ice cream, or buy a toy. Listen and follow.

Before you go to sleep, visualize this child surrounded in a soft Watermelon color as it rests peacefully. 

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Intelligence, please assist me to connect to my fun, easygoing, enthusiastic nature so that I can spread joy and laughter wherever I go."

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