4th House

4th House


The Fourth House in astrology is closely linked to the Tenth House. The Tenth House represents aspirations, ambitions, career, and public standing, while the Fourth House is the source from which these aspects arise. It reveals one's past, the family support they receive, inherited properties, belongings, and emotional nature. This house reflects the type of karma an individual has generated in their past (sanchita karma) and contains the seed from which their life's journey unfolds. Symbolically, it's associated with the Mother Principle in Nature (Hiranyagarbha) and represents one's biological mother, heart, emotions, and intelligence.

In exoteric astrology, the Fourth House represents home, private life, property, the mother, chest-related health issues, and peace of mind.

The First, Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth Houses are critical in astrology, known as angular or kendra houses. Planets in these houses have a significant impact on a person's life, as they are at the core of the birth chart. Together, they form the celestial cross, symbolizing the Divine Child's crucifixion and eventual return to the divine realm.

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