The malefic or evil influence of hard planets in astrology, such as Mars and Saturn, can have adverse effects on marriage. These influences can manifest in various ways, leading to problems and challenges within the marital relationship:

Differences of Opinion and Conflict: Malefic planetary influences can lead to frequent differences of opinion between spouses, resulting in constant bickering and quarrels. This can escalate into violence, including mental and physical abuse, causing significant distress within the marriage.

Childlessness or Lack of Male Offspring: In certain societies like India, not having children or specifically not having a male heir can be a source of significant societal and familial pressure. Malefic planets may be associated with fertility issues, leading to challenges in conceiving children or having male offspring, which can strain the marriage.

Health Problems: The malefic influence of planets can also lead to severe health problems that adversely affect the quality of married life. These health issues may result in increased stress, financial burdens, and emotional strain on the relationship.

Financial and Professional Challenges: Economic difficulties, including business failures or professional setbacks, can be attributed to malefic planetary influences. Financial stress can lead to marital discord and further complicate the relationship.

Separation: Marital separation can occur for various reasons. It may be circumstantial, where external factors force the couple to live separately. Alternatively, it can result from a lack of adjustment between the spouses or between the wife and the husband's family. Malefic planetary influences can exacerbate these issues.

Dissolution of Marriage: In the most severe cases, malefic planetary influences can contribute to the dissolution of a marriage through divorce, desertion, or even the death of one of the spouses. These outcomes can be the culmination of a series of problems and conflicts within the marriage.

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