

Rejuvenation of Your Body

Ruby is a color of dynamism, rejuvenation, and strength, increasing your stamina and filling you up with energy and an enthusiasm for life. It is a color for prosperity, courage, achievement, and motivation. Ruby also encourages shy people to come out of their shell by building confidence. Use Ruby light to feel truly alive and dynamic.

Rejuvenation of Body

Shake your right hand for thirty seconds, then rest it for fifteen seconds. Shake your left hand for thirty seconds then rest it for fifteen seconds. Then shake your whole body for thirty seconds and rest for it for fifteen seconds. Repeat these three steps three times. Now rub the palms of your hands together for forty seconds. This exercise helps to warm, awaken, and rejuvenates your body.

Visualize Ruby light moving through your body, cleansing your blood and stimulating your energy. Become aware of what it is like to feel truly alive. You might even decide to wear a Ruby pendant or to hold a Ruby crystal to strengthen your body and motivate you for success.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Healing Intelligence, please release all pain, stress, and tiredness, and infuse my body with healing, rejuvenating, revitalizing energy."

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