


Uplift Your Body

Sapphire heals, purifies, and uplift your body. It also has the ability to soothe your mind, calm your nerves, and release emotional pain. As a nourishing color, Sapphire dissolves disharmony and clears the blocked pathways to well-being, clearing your mind, balancing your emotions, and creating order in your life.

Experiment with Sapphire light to uplift your body and bring back a sense of harmony.


Breathe in healing Sapphire light and allow yourself to focus on increasing your well-being.

Rub your hands together, then place them next to each other. Imagine that you are holding a sphere of Sapphire energy in each palm. Allow yourself to feel these powerful spheres of energy and play with them, increasing their size and strength. Now put your hands on the part of your body that needs regeneration.

AFFIRMATION: "Divine Light, heal, purify, and uplift." Repeat this statement several times for about two minutes until you feel better.

Visualize the Sapphire energy moving through your body, cleansing it, uplifting it, and bringing back a sense of harmony.

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