Match-making based on Birth Charts

Match-making based on Birth Charts

Match-making based on birth charts and constellations (Nakshatra) is a practice rooted in astrology, especially in cultures where astrological compatibility is highly valued in the context of marriage. This approach considers various aspects of an individual's birth chart to determine compatibility between potential partners.

Birth Charts and Compatibility: Birth charts, also known as horoscopes, provide a detailed snapshot of a person's life, including their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential life events. Match-making based on birth charts analyzes the compatibility between two individuals by examining the positions of celestial bodies (planets) at the time of their birth. Certain houses and aspects within these charts are considered pivotal in assessing the potential for a successful and harmonious marriage.

The Role of the 7th and 12th Houses: In astrological match-making, the 7th house is of primary importance because it governs marriage and provides insights into the nature of the spouse, the likelihood of a lasting marriage, and potential challenges within the marriage. The 12th house, on the other hand, is crucial for evaluating the presence of third-party intrusions, such as extramarital affairs. This house is associated with secret relationships and hidden matters that could affect the marriage.

Supplementary Houses: While the 7th and 12th houses are fundamental, other houses in the birth charts are also considered when assessing compatibility and potential issues in a marriage. These include the 2nd (financial matters), 3rd (communication and siblings), 4th (home and family life), 5th (romance and creativity), 9th (philosophy and spirituality), 10th (career and public life), and 11th (social circles and friendships). Each of these houses can provide valuable insights into various aspects of married life and relationships.

Reasons for Love Affairs or Extramarital Involvement: Astrology also attempts to understand the reasons behind love affairs or extramarital relationships by examining the positions of celestial bodies and their influence on an individual's desires, motivations, and behaviors. Factors such as financial gain, career prospects, educational opportunities, religious beliefs, personal desires, and even emotions like jealousy or revenge are considered when interpreting these aspects of a birth chart.

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